Un score intéressant, qui mix le buy-in moyen avec le ROI... Boku87 (le multitableur fou qui avait monter 10 000$ en 15 jours) obtient donc un excellent 80/100....

Un score tout de même à relativisé avec le nombre de game... Mon pseudo de Chilipoker, ayant la note de 90... Forcément avec un chattage de Head's Up Highstake en mode tilté ca aide :-)
"The Ability rating is a rating that goes up to 100 and shows a player's ability based on an assessment of all the other statistics we have compiled for that player. It allows you to easily compare players who play significantly different stake levels and tournament types - for example a player who loses a small amount at high stakes games is likely a better player than a player that wins money at very low stakes games - and so may well have a higher Ability rating.
To our knowledge, the highest rated player currently has a rating of 96."
1 Commentaires:
Merci pour cette deffinition, je me demandais justement ce que ça représentait.
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